Want to know the secret to reduce ageing??


The problem with today’s modern diet doesn’t lie in the amount of food we eat, we eat enough food – we just don’t eat enough plants. Australia is abundant with fresh fruit and vegetables, so why are we a nation of antioxidant depletion?

I’m sure many of you have heard that antioxidants are good for you. Some of you may even know which food sources contain antioxidants. But do you know why they should be consumed with EVERY meal? or the consequences of not eating enough? Firstly, let me give you a quick run down on why antioxidants are so important.

What’s So Good About Them?

Antioxidants and phytonutrients protect the body from free radical damage. Free radicals come from UV rays, stress, poor nutrition, and pollution (air and water).

The Complete Package

Antioxidants and phytonutrients are predominantly found naturally in plant foods. When wholefoods are consumed in their natural state, they come as a package. Proteins, fats, sugars and antioxidants are all in the perfect ratios. Once food is processed and into an unnatural form, it loses the ‘complete package’ including the beneficial antioxidants.

Think about it, in nature – sugar always comes in a package. It will always be paired up with antioxidants in a wholefood state. The benefit being the antioxidant content will fight off any oxidative stress, counter balancing the pro-inflammatory and pro-oxidant negative effects of high carbohydrate, high fat meals.

Sugar in a non-natural form, such as prepackaged orange juice, does not contain all the antioxidants as it would in its original state. This unnatural form creates oxidation in the body, meaning the body has to dip into its own antioxidant supply to combat the oxidation.

Any processed or pre-packaged product tips the body into a pro-oxidative state, setting you up for oxidant-stress diseases (cardiovascular disease, cancer, premature aging) and cellular dysfunction. Basically you are speeding up your biological clock.

Free Radical Oxidative Stress

How Do You Start Your Day?

Starting the day off with a highly processed breakfast (Eg. cereal and milk) means that you start the day off with your body being in a hyper-oxidised state. It’s only the beginning of the day and you have depleted your antioxidant stores – not a good start! In saying this, it’s not just a matter of eating 1 bowl of berries in the morning. This does not meet your antioxidant needs for the day. EVERY SINGLE MEAL must contain antioxidants from plants, to ensure the body stays within balance and maintains optimal function.

In summary, your mum was right … eat your vegetables! Through balancing out each of your meals with antioxidant rich foods, you slow down the aging process and reduce the risk of developing oxidant related disease in the future.

Tips to Boost your Antioxidant Content

  • Add ½ tsp. ground cinnamon to your breakfast
  • Instead of eating chocolate at 3pm, pack a small container of natural yogurt with berries (frozen or fresh).
  • Herbs & spices: These babies are PACKED full of antioxidants, in particular turmeric, black pepper, garlic, rosemary, thyme and cayenne pepper.
  • Roast a tray of veggies to keep in the fridge for the week, that way if you’re short of time you won’t be lazy with your meals! Just grab what you need each day. Choose bright coloured vegetables for a variety of antioxidant content (sweet potato, pumpkin, beetroot, zucchini). Add some rosemary or another type of fresh herb for extra flavour and antioxidants.
  • If you are on a tight budget, or too tired to cook – frozen vegetables are fine to use. Of course fresh is best, but frozen is better than nothing! Add them to stir-fries or steam them to use as a side dish.
  • Include more vegetarian meals into your diet, as they are often rich in plant-based ingredients.
  • Be organized! If you know you will be too tired during the week, cut up all your vegetables on Sunday afternoon so they are ready to go when you get home from work.